10-4-2024 VERSION 2.4
This is a list of titles that are rumored to have been mixed for a
Quadraphonic recording and where never issued.
If you have any knowledge of these rumors and can confirm or deny
any of this information, please pass on the info (or a copy of the
A list of recordings that were advertised but not issued can be
found in the NOT ISSUED discography.
A list of the Columbia "Underground" Quad reels from the Mike Robin
collection can be found here.
Please send any additions or corrections to this list to :
* /|\ * Mark Anderson
/ | \ * multichannel AT cox DOT net
* / | \
------/ | \---------------
/ | \
This list can be accessed from :
1. List compiled & Copyright by: Mark Anderson
Just doing some google searching and came across an interesting mention on an online US
law archive/portal about a lawsuit between the Atlanta Rhythm Section and Polygram Records.
This was the pertinent bit about their contract:
Delivery under the agreement required BBP to "deliver completed, edited and fully mixed
master tapes in accordance with the Company's reasonable instructions" comprising a
two-track stereo and a discrete quadraphonic master tape for each Master recorded hereunder
together with a "reference lacquer" therefor, which tape shall be fully edited, mixed and
leadered prior to delivery to Company [Polygram] so that they are in proper form for the
production of parts necessary for the *250 manufacture of commercial Phonograph Records.
Now Polygram obviously didn't put anything out in quad, but it makes you wonder if this was
standard wording/a standard requirement in record contracts, and how many of their artists
may have prepared quad mixes that were never released.
It's sort of complex sorting out which companies owned which labels, but during the quad era
it appears that PolygGram owned Polydor, Phillips, Verve, Mercury, MGM, Casablanca, and others.
Intriguing to think about anyway...
QQ Forum, steelydave 07-23-2017
Rock And Roll Music.
{Years ago, I was in correspondence with a guy who had a box full of otherwise unknown
quad LPs, discards apparently, which he obtained from a friend who'd worked at CBS'
black rock headquarters. They were apparently promo stamped as quad, He made me a quad
reel dub of some of the stuff...a few songs, not full albums...Not sure what I ever did
with that...I went back to my old email correspondence, and it jolted my memory. Among
other quad stuff the guy had were some acetates or test pressings, from the same box.
These included, supposedly, a quad mix of the Beatles Rock and Roll Music. He included
one track from RnRM on a reel he made for me--Back in the USSR--and it DEFINITELY
sounded like a quad mix, with the jet sounds circling the room and whatnot. SHM forum,
kwadguy, Mar 9, 2010}
Sgt. Pepper.
{The MFSL Beatles Box tape box photo for Sgt. Pepper indicates that there was a quad
mix done. SHM forum, aarsonbet, Mar 9, 2010}
{That was a photo of the stereo master tape, which was checked out for a "quadraphonic
remix" in September 1973. It's not clear how that stereo tape was used, either to make
a fake quad mix, or to use as a reference for balancing a new quad mix. There are
reliable reports that an SQ test pressing of "Pepper" resides in the catacombs of
Capitol. SHM forum, Lord Hawthorne, Mar 9, 2010}
{Recently, I was sent a DVD-A containing a Sgt. Pepper 5.1 presentation. I can safely
say it 'might' have come from the multi's as there is some actual separation going on
and it really doesn't seem like it's just the stereo tracks run through a DPL II box
or something like that. But, as other's have pointed out - with the tracking layout of
the multi's, very few of the songs actually sound good. There's just not enough to
play with. DiscoKat, Mar 9, 2010}
{Notations on the box from the master reels only list "Quad remix" on the side 1
(ar 8568/17079a) of Sgt. Pepper on "25/9/73" or Sept. 25, 1973. There is NO corresponding
listing on the box for the master reel of side 2 (ar8569/17079b.) Other "dates/operations
/initials" on the logs are listed on both reels. Being unreleased, does anyone have an
inkling if this was an oversight, or if, in fact, only the tracks on side 1 were mixed
for quad? The master tape box photos were included on the sleeve of my copy of Sgt. Pepper
(disc 8) in my "the Beatles-the Collection" Mobile Fi LP box. QQ Forum, Quad Linda, 07-14-2011}
Hollywood Bowl.
{Renowned Beatles author Chip Madinger (see www.lennonology.com) comes to us with a great story.
While researching for the excellent Strange Days Indeed, the first in a series of books on
John Lennon, Madinger discovered documentation that both the August 29th (Sunday) and August
30th (Monday) 1965 shows from the 1965 Hollywood Bowl concerts had been mixed and mastered for
both stereo and Quad at Record Plant (Project #623) in July 1971. both a Quad and a stereo
(presumably a collapsed version of the Quad) LP master were prepared at 15 ips and taken away.
WWW.http://wogew.blogspot.com/2016/07/hollywood-bowl-mixed-for-quad.html, The Daily Beatle
{Many on this board know that I regularly pine about hearing this album in its unreleased
quad mix. Rumored for many years, I confirmed the rumor with Brad Delp, lead singer a
while back. Some quaddies have claimed to have actually heard an SQ test pressing,
but I have yet to confirm that, actually they seem to be just stories. Sound and Vision
two years ago claimed that Boston was to be one of the first SACD m/c releases.
QQ Forum, deepsky4565, 01-07-2003}
{Someone I was in contact with for a while with close ties to CBS in NYC swore to
me that in the mid '70s CBS had created quad mixes of the first Boston album.
SHM forum, kwadguy, Jan 13, 2004}
{Was set to come out in early '77-quad was dead. SHM forum, Drawer L, Mar 7, 2010}
{There is supposedly a quad mix of the first Boston album that made it to the test
pressing / internal use stage. SHM forum, kwadguy, Mar 7, 2010}
{Was mixed, and made it to test SQ pressing. No one has actually produced one of
these LPs yet. I confirmed this info with Brad Delp a few years ago. This was
also listed in I think Stereo Review as an upcoming MCH SACD to replace the
stereo only version. That didn't happen. SHM forum, deepsky4565, Mar 9, 2010}
{Years ago, I was in correspondence with a guy who had a box full of otherwise
unknown quad LPs, discards apparently, which he obtained from a friend who'd
worked at CBS' black rock headquarters. They were apparently promo stamped as
quad, and included the first Boston album. SHM forum, kwadguy, Mar 9, 2010}
A White Sport Coat and a Pink Crustacean.
{A special album made by ABC for the Koss company and their Phase 4+4 Headphones, Perspectives
ABC album KQD-75 included a portion of the Jimmy Buffett song, "They Don't Dance Like Carmen
No More". Buffett was another ABC recording artist who may have been slated for Quadraphonic
{live set - recorded in 78, according to Tony Visconti it was set up for Quad specifically.
Everything was also arranged to be sure the right performances were acquired, and indeed
during one track on the release it starts from one city, the middle section is from another
& the end reverts to the first again. QQ Forum, neil wilkes, 03-22-2013}
- On September 7th, 1974, page 3 Billboard magazine reported -
Capitol Records has quietly joined the rank of labels releasing
Quad product in the Sansui QS matrix system. Among a total of
12 albums released a little over a month ago without any notice
was Pink Floyds - Dark Side of the Moon.
First indication of the Quadraphonic release was in New York
during the recent 7th annual International Radio Programming
Forum. The album, bearing only a stereo label and no indication
that it was Quad, was demonstrated in a suite operated by
A spokesman for Capitol Records said last week that the release
consisted of remixed product; the spokesman was unaware that no
announcement had been made or that the product bore "Stereo"
instead of "Quadraphonic".
Capitol previously released a few sampler albums in Columbia
Records SQ matrix system.
A few weeks ago in an exclusive billboard story, Ryosuke Ito,
manager of product development for Sansui's QS 4-channel project
and Motohisa Miyake, director of merchandising development and
industrial designing for Sansui, said that Sansui QS product was
being released in the U.S. with only a Stereo label.
Miyake felt that labels were doing this as protection and that
they feared the matrix quad albums might not be compatible with
existing stereo playback equipment. Miyake of course pointed out
that a Sansui matrix recording is totally compatible.
{It is known that his article was in error as no US versions were issued
in Quad on LP and the confusion probably came from the stereo version
played through a QS decoder}
School Days.
{Not sure where the best place is to mention unreleased quad mixes but
i'm just reading Ken Scott's 'Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust' book and he
mentions mixing a Stanley Clarke album featuring Billy Cobham in quad
before the record company then asked for a stereo fold down.
And here's a commnet from Mr Scott himself on the stevehoffmanforum
"Just as a point, it doesn't have to be stereo folded down to mono.
When we recorded the Stanley Clarke album "Schooldays" we did everything
specifically for quad (it was "in" at the time) , including the mix. The
label loved the idea of a quad version only. Then of course, the day we
were due to master, Atlantic changed their minds and told us they wanted
to put out a stereo version instead. Our only option was a fold down and
that's the way it's remained to this day. Cheers" QQ Forum, van1, 07-03-2018}
Unknown Album
{So I came across this little nugget from the August 4th, 1973 issue of Billboard magazine,
in an article talking about labels educating their producers about quad mixing.
I was shocked to see Van Morrison's (and Ry Cooder's) name mentioned amongst all the others,
because the rest of them were released. I'm less familiar with Ry Cooder's output from that
period but judging from discogs it looks like he was recording about 2 albums a year for WB
at that point so who knows what they mixed for quad from him. QQ Forum, steelydave, 03-11-2017}
DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON (Classical Recordings)
Unknown Albums
{Thomas Mowrey produced his all 1970s recordings for Deutsche Grammophon with quadraphonic tapes.
Seiji Ozawa and his Boston Symphony Orchestra worked with Mr. Mowrey and their first efforts
together are already available. And I'm not sure but I think that Claudio Abbado's analogue
recording of Mahler's Fifth Symphony (1980) was recorded in quad as well. Talk Classical forum,
Luukas, 03-01-2016, http://www.talkclassical.com/41449-quadraphonic-4-channel-classical.html#post1046483}
Unknown Albums
{I was producing for DG exclusively in America, but I was in Hamburg and Hannover every few months
for A & R and marketing meetings and post-production, so I was in pretty close touch with what other
producers were doing. There could have been some exceptions to my statement that "every record that
DG produced during this period was made in surround" (for example, I doubt that this or that solo
harpsichord recording produced by Dr. Andreas Holschneider was in quad, and I'm not sure about solo
piano either!), so maybe this was overstatement, but I am quite sure that all symphonic and operatic
recordings were in quad during that period (roughly 1970-76). I believe DG made about 300 of them.
Discussion with Thomas Mowrey QQ Forum, Thomas Mowrey, 04-25-2015}
{Quad mixes were done of the first two ELO albums. The quad mix for the second
album (ELO 2) continues gather dust in the EMI vaults. SHM Forum, John Carsell,
Jan 14, 2004}
{It seems they only mixed two or three songs on ELO II for quad and quit.
SHM Forum, Lord Hawthorne, Mar 8, 2010}
EMI (Classical Recordings)
SLS951 (SQ) WAGNER: Die Meistersinger Von Nurembourg (Karajan)
{EMI literature states that the above was recorded in "state of the art quadraphonic sound".
The Quadraphonic Record Center Catalog - 2nd Ed., published by Beggers Banquet/London
1976 Mentions "Credit must be given to EMI who are issuing all their new classical
recordings in SQ. From the view point of public acceptance of quadro, however, they are
maintaining a low profile on this and many retailers stocking EMI classics are unaware
that they are stocking SQ records". Some quad collectors think this might be an unmarked
Quad recording after close examination of the record grooves and using a quad display
scope and a Tate II SQ decoder for as good as a verification you are going to get without
documentation from EMI.}
A quad collector has some interesting comments about this
Madman Across The Water.
{I've stumbled across a couple of references to an unofficial Elton John release
called the "The Alternate Madman Across The Water", which claims to include a
quad mix of the album: QQ Forum, Neb-Maat-Re , 01-23-2013}
{Two discs serve up both the quadraphonic mix of the album, and the special mono
version. ELTON JOHN-The Alternate Madman Across The Water REVIEW, Dave Thompson}
{While it's true that MCA never announced nor actually released a single US quad,
I have it on good authority (second hand) from a record company source in the
70's that every single Elton John release up until 1975 was in fact mixed in
quad, possibly as a hedge against an unexpected rebound in quad's fortunes. It
is likely that these mixes were subsequently destroyed to wash away the stink
of failure the format was then thought to have. QQ Forum, Bidkat, 01-26-2013}
{it seems Quadraphonic mixes of Elton's albums were planned, according to this
article, which just emerged as a feature in the new eltonjohn.com website
makeover today. QQ Forum, fredblue 03-21-2013}
{"it was originally meant to be a place where Gus could re-mix Elton's albums for
quadrophonic release, but that project never materialized."
{this time from recording engineer Stuart Epps (Producer Gus Dudgeon's right-hand
-man) backing up the Elton Quad story. QQ Forum, fredblue 04-01-2013}
{The studio was being built for Quadraphonic, surround sound you would call it
now. The idea was to re-mix all Elton s albums in Quad.
* The Brown Album.
{The only other thing I remember on the dealer demo tape that came with it was the
opening theme to Jesus Christ Superstar which SOUNDED close enough to the original
performance from The Brown Album to be successfully passed off there as which I know
from people trolling through the record bins next door at the Music Galaxy to try and
find the whole album in quad of course without success as we all know. But being JVC
that could have been The Movie Symphony Orchestra or some such ensemble put together
from session musicians like they did for all their quadraphonic demo LP's and Q8's
that still occasionally float around these days. ndiamone, Quadraphonic Quad forum
{JVC quadraphonic cassettes used ANRS instead of Dolby B, if you ever find a tape
they either have buttons over the hubs so you can only insert them one way or else
they have a notch cut out of the back slightly off to one side like an old data
cassette, was a disaster because of the low speed and from chrome tape and high
fidelity record and playback heads not having been invented yet.
However it's the only place you can get the true discrete 4-channel selections from
Jesus Christ Superstar (The Brown Album) as the half-inch 4-track master tape onto
which it was mixed from the 16-track 2 inch master has long since been lost or
destroyed. If you ever find one of those it comes in a twin-pack with Part 1 and
Part 2 facing each other in the same case and comes in both the notched shell
incarnation as well as the button over the hubs incarnation but finding one of those
is like trying to find an original 12-hour copy of D.W. Griffith's Greed.
Ndiamone, Antique Radio Forums Jul Thu 23, 2015}
{JVC had TWO versions of the Quad Cassette in 1974. One tape that has been known about
for years that came out in both formats (a 2-tape set in 4-track uni-direction with
buttons covering the tops of the cassette holes so you couldn't put it in upside down
as well as a one-tape 8-track two direction format in a data cassette shell with a
notch in the back) is the Jesus Christ Superstar Original Concept Album from 1970
which was never remixed for quad from the original 16-track tapes in any other instance.
I've never seen either one in person but I've seen pictures of both versions in period
stereo and tape magazines back before people could make mockups in a computer graphics
I'm PRETTY sure both versions of The Brown Album were U.S. and the JVC House Band version
was of course Japanese.
(I) had commented on this at the Antique Radio Forum in 2015. That was after `camping
out' at Lou Dorren's house with a handful of other guys and seeing all manner of things
nobody else ever made documentation of. In 2013 he had a small handful of Bay Area guys
over to his house in Burlingame of which I was one of the lucky. That's the only reason
I have specific knowledge that true discrete copies of both formats of the JCS Brown
Album cassettes exist. It's the only place I have ever seen a copy. ndiamone, Quadraphonic
Quad forum 02-5-2020}
Alive (1982). Pioneer MP058-22MP (Laserdisc, CX Noise) [Japan], Pioneer
PA-82-019 (Laserdisc, CX Noise)
{I don't know why Pioneer didn't include the Tate/SQ Encoding blurb on the LD releases
of Dolly In London and Bowie Serious Moonlight - but SQ encoded they are! I "think"
Kenny Loggins Alive! (Coked up?) is also SQ Encoded, but I'm not sure. AVS Forum,
Disclord March 3, 2008}
16 Greatest Hits.
{I believe the story is: a quad Mamas & Papas project, most likely the '16 Greatest
Hits' album was proposed, and work was started on it. But instead of pulling ALL
of the multis at once, they pulled only a handful of them, started to do the quad
mixes, and when they went back for more, the infamous "Let's dump all the multitracks
and mono masters purge" had already occurred. So the handful of multis they had pulled
are the only surviving ones today (If, of course, they survived the fire at Universal,
they nobody wants to talk about...)--And it appears that the Grass Roots multis
that survived are because they were elsewhere being mixed to quad when the big purge
happened. Another couple days later & they would've been lost. SHM forum, Drawer L,
Mar 7, 2010}
{Someone I was in contact with for a while with close ties to CBS in NYC swore to
me that in the mid '70s CBS had created quad mixes of Ram, mixed to quad at CBS
(for McCartney/EMI, obviously), but again, never released. SHM forum, kwadguy,
Jan 13, 2004}
{Mixed to quad in 1971 according to an article in Billboard in the fall of 1971.
SHM forum, Lord Hawthorne, Mar 6, 2010}
{Only the test mix of "Carey" was confirmed in that article, which was circa 1971,
which was basically about how WEA were dipping their toes into quad. QQ Forum,
steelydave, 04-10-2021}
Hard Nose The Highway
{So I came across this little nugget from the August 4th, 1973 issue of Billboard magazine,
in an article talking about labels educating their producers about quad mixing.
I was shocked to see Van Morrison's (and Ry Cooder's) name mentioned amongst all the others,
because the rest of them were released. The 'latest album' from Van Morrison at that point
would've been Hard Nose The Highway, but what is interesting is that Ted Templeman also
produced or did the stereo mixes for the two albums that preceded that one, St. Dominic's
Preview (1972) and Tupelo Honey (1971). QQ Forum, steelydave, 03-11-2017}
{In the book "Shine On", page 33 mentions "21st - 26th September. Recording
sessions at Command studios for quad mix. With the release of "The Early Years" Box Set
it was learned that the song Echoes was the only song mixed in quad for the album}
The Dark Side of the Moon.
{One of the best kept secrets of CD-4: test pressing of "Dark Side of the Moon".
Taddashi Hakkan and I made masters from Parsons discrete 4 channel tapes and 100% virgin
vinyl test pressings were made in Japan. Engineers and executives from Capital evaluated
these in secrecy at the cutting center while negotiations were going on between the labels
and JVC for licensing of CD-4. I have one of the 4 known to exist CD-4 disc of Dark Side
of the Moon in my collection, the other three are in Japan. QQ Forum, DarrellJ, April 7, 2012}
Wish You Were Here.
{A CD-4 test pressing was supposidly pressed for technical evaluation at the
JVC quad cutting lab that was located in the RCA building in Hollywood, one
floor above the L.A. office for Fantasy Records. Fantasy employee 2010}
Some of the Pye Stereo 4D series Vinyl recordings that do not list quad on
the recording are thought to be QS encoded. The Pye recordings that are listed
in the classical, popular and sampler discography's all have some indication of
quad either on the front or back cover or record label. A list of Pye recordings
has been created indicating which titles list quad and variations in other
countries that could be verified at the time. Any additions or corrections are
Pye 4D Series Discography
A Quad collector did an evaluation of the titles that do not list quad
{Pye may have released a couple of full price albums in Quad (I have a New Zealand
pressing of Tony Hatch's "Hits Symphonic" QUAD 1016) but I also have a stereo
white label of "The Amazing Grace of Sounds Orchestral" NSPL 18395 with the
intriguing note on its typewritten tracklisting that it was to have been issed as
QUAD 1010 but that the release had been cancelled. All subsequent "Stereo 4D"
releases were simply stereo. There are noticeable phase differences in the Quad
pressings. SHM forum, TonyCurrie, Oct 3, 2012}
{LS: You released several albums on the Pye 4D imprint, although only a few of this
series are actually quadraphonic do you have any insight as to what the strategy
was with those releases?
Tony Hatch: Anything labelled Quad should have been four dimensional. Originally
Quad was only recommended for classical music especially symphony orchestras where
a big natural spacious effect could be achieved. Then the industry decided to
include lighter 'pop' albums. I had great problems mixing down to quad compatible
stereo. All to do with phasing! Individual sounds could be cancelled out so,
whilst the quad mix was OK, in stereo you could have too much reverb, say, on the
strings because the primary signal had disappeared. Do another mix and monitor in
stereo then the quad effect would be lost. I'm glad the whole idea was finally
'phased out'. http://www.licoricesoul.co.uk/lsd008.php}
Born To Run.
{Someone I was in contact with for a while with close ties to CBS in NYC swore to
me that in the mid '70s CBS had created quad mixes of Born To Run.
SHM forum, kwadguy, Jan 13, 2004}
{There is supposedly a quad mix, made it to the test pressing / internal use stage.
SHM forum, kwadguy, Mar 7, 2010}
{Years ago, I was in correspondence with a guy who had a box full of otherwise
unknown quad LPs, discards apparently, which he obtained from a friend who'd
worked at CBS' black rock headquarters. They were apparently promo stamped as
quad, and included Springsteen's Born to Run. SHM forum, kwadguy, Mar 9, 2010}
{the engineer Jim Reeves claims to have mixed this one. QQ Forum, Q-Eight 11-11-2013}
Quad Symphony.
{I think this was one of the first quad recordings ever made and was used as a
demo in a seminar for the Audio Engineering Society in Hollywood by Steve Desper.
SHM forum, dumangl, Mar 7, 2010}
{A quad mix was made, it was intended to be released in quad only, but stereo-
compatible in the SQ mode for LP. When they played a test pressing on a stereo
system to check for compatibility, it came out sounding mono, or virtually mono.
Disheartened, it was remixed for stereo, and the quad mix never saw the light of
day. Pete Townsend tells this story in an interview from about ten years ago.
They could have released both mixes, like all other releases mixed for both
markets. SHM forum, Lord Hawthorne, Jan 1, 2011}
{For what it's worth, I just thought it was worth mentioning here that
Quadrophenia actually did have a legitimate catalog number for the quad version
back then. It really was listed in the Shwann catalog at the time and I remember
trying to hunt one down for a while until I finally figured it just wasn't going
to happen. SHM forum, H-Man, Apr 4, 2011}
{Pete Townshend: "The whole conception of Quadrophenia was geared to quadraphonic,
We spent months mixing it and then found out that MCA was using the CBS quad
system and ... you might as well forget it. So our engineer remixed it in the
same manner that it was mixed in stereo. http://www.thewho.net/linernotes/Quad.htm}
{Polydor (U.K.) have the regular release of the Who-Tommy and the Who-Quadrophenia
in unmarked QS matrix format created by Sansui. The Quadraphonic Record Center
Catalog - 2nd Edition, published by Beggars Banquet Record store in Earl's Court,
London, summer of 1977}
{While on the west coast, Margouleff and Cecil were early experimenters
with quadraphonic sound. Margouleff says that they developed the first
quadraphonic mix room at Record Plant, and as a result, were able to
better understand the principles of sonic placement. This enabled them
to achieve a stereo mix with much greater ease.
In addition to the well-known stereo mix of Superstition, there is
also another lesser-known mix. We mixed Superstition in quad, recalls
Margouleff. Somewhere in Stevie s library, there exists a four-track
quad mix that was absolutely fabulous. PRO SOUND NEWS by Curtis Berry
October 7th, 2010}
Talking Book.
{surround sound advocate Robert Margouleff, who did an unreleased quad
mix of Stevie Wonder's Talking Book QQ Forum, steelydave 06-25-018}
{We also did all of our monitoring in quad. We had a beautiful API
console in studio B at the Record Plant, which also enabled me to
bring some of the instruments into the control room so Steve could
sit in the middle and have the clavinet in the back and the Rhodes in
the front and the background vocals coming from the back of the room.
By spreading all of the instruments out, we were able to really equalize
correctly and to get stuff to sound really good. By the time we got to
the mixing, there was very little EQing done. We would monitor in quad
for the recordings, which was also inspirational to Stevie. Then, we
would do what we called in the early days 'Armstrong automation.' Me,
Malcolm, and Stevie would be at the console rehearsing our moves and we
would mix the thing all in one pass. We had all of our moves marked on
the faders and so on and so forth. Producer Robert Margouleff.
The Atlantic, Chris Williams, Oct 29, 2012}
Acknowledgments :
This page would like to thank the following folks who have passed on information
with additions, comments and corrections to this list :
Ron Brain
Paul Spencer
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