List of articles in the Journal of the
Audio Engineering Society
1. Woodward, J.G. 1977. Quadraphony - A Review. JAES October/November
1977, Vol. 25, No. 10/11. pp 843-854
2. T. Inoue, N. Takahashi, and I. Owaki, "A Discrete Four-Channel Disc
and Its Reproducing System (CD-4 System), vol. 19, pp. 576-583,
(July/Aug. 1971).
3. D. H. Cooper, "Time-Division Multiplex for Four-Channel FM,
(Letters to the Editor), vol. 18, p. 198 (Apr. 1970).
4. B. B. Bauer, D. W. Gravereaux, and A. J. Gust, "A Compatible
Stereo-Quadraphonic (SQ) Record System", Vol. 19, pp. 638-646
(Sept. 1971).
5. 0. Kohsaka, E. Satoh, and T. Nakayama, "Sound-Image Localization
in Multichannel Matrix Reproduction", vol. 20, pp. 542-548
(Sept. 1972).
6. D. H. Cooper and T. Shiga, "Discrete-Matrix Multichannel Stereo",
vol. 20, pp. 346-360(June 1972).
7. J. J. Gibson, R. M. Christensen, and A. L. R. Limberg, "Compatible
FM Broadcasting of Panoramic Sound", vol. 20, pp. 816-822
(Dec. 1972).
8. B. B. Bauer, R. G. Alien, G. W. Budelman, and D. W. Gravereaux,
"Quadraphonic Matrix Perspective--Advances in SQ Encoding and
Decoding Technology", vol. 21, pp. 342-350 (June 1973).
9. D. H. Cooper, T. Shiga, and T. Takagi, "QMX Carrier-Channel Disc",
vol. 21, pp. 614-624 (Oct. 1973).
10. T. Inoue, N. Shibata, and K. Goh, "Technical Requirements and
Analysis of Phono Cartridges for Proper Playback of CD-4 Discrete
Four-Channel Records" vol. 21, pp. 166-171 (Apr. 1973).
11. I. Owaki, T. Muraoka, and T. Inoue, "Further Improvements in the
Discrete Four-Channel Disc System CD-4" vol. 20, pp. 361-369
(June 1972).
12. T. Nagai, K. Wasa, and S. Hayakawa, "A Long-Life Sapphire Stylus for
Discrete Quadraphonic Discs" vol. 22, pp. 521-523 (Sept. 1974).
13. G. A. Bogantz and K. Khanna, "Development of a Compound for
QuadraDiscs" vol. 13. pp. 37-32 (Jan/Feb. 1975).
14. Y. Kokubun, S. Muramoco. and J. M. Eargle, "The CD-4 Mark-II
Modulation System" vol. 22, pp. 416-421 (July/Aug. 1974).
15. T. Muraoka and J. Earfle. "Theory of Tracing. Distortion and Its
Correction in Carrier Quadraphonic Disk Records" vol. 24,
pp. 808-815 (Dec. 1976).
16. T. Inoue, I. Owaki. K. Totsuka, S. Nakamura, and J. Eargle,
"improvements in Cutting Styli for CD-4 Discs" (Project notes)
vol. 23. pp. 611-643 (Oct. 1975).
17. T. Inoue, I. Owaki, Y. Ishigaki, and K. Goh, "Half-Speed Cutting of
the CD-4 Discrete Four-Channel Records and Other Improvements of the
System" vol. 21, pp. 625-629 (0ct. 1973).
18. N. Takahaski, T. Muraoka, and T. Inoue, "Noise Reduction in the CD-4
Disc System" vol. 23, pp. 113-122 (Mar. 1975).
19. Y. Ishigaki, K. Fukui, and G. A. Bogantz, "New Modulation Technique
for CD-4 Recording" (Project Notes). vol. 24, pp. 112-116 (Mar. 1976).
21. G. A. Bogantz and J. F. Wells, "The RCA Quadulator'' (Project Notes).
vol. 25, pp. 99-106 (Mar. 1977).
22. W. S. Halstead and L. Feldman, "Multiplex Methods for FM Broadcast
Transmission of Four-Channel Stereo Signals'' Sec., vol. 18,
pp. 624-630 (Dec. 1970).
23. D. H. Cooper, "QFMX--Quadruplex FM Transmission Using the 4-4-4 QMX
Matrix System" vol. 72, pp. 8'-87 (Mar. 1974)
24. S. Miki, T. Takezaki, M. Kanno, and M. Okamoto, "Some Considerations
Regarding FM Four Channel Stereo Broadcasting" vol. 23, pp. 274-281
(May 1975).
25. T. Nakayama, T. Miura, O. Kosaka, M. Okamoto, and T. Shiga,
"Subjective Assessment of Multichannel Reproduction" vol. 19,
pp. 744-751 (Oct. 1971).
26. K. Nakabavashi, "A Method of Analyzing the Quadraphonic Sound Field"
vol. 23, pp. 187-193 (Apr. 1975).
27. T. K. Matsudaira and T. Fukami, "Phase Difference and Sound Image
Localization" vol. 21 pp. 792-797 (Dec. 1973).
28. J. G. Woodward, "NQRC Measurement of Subjective Aspects of
Quadraphonic Sound Reproduction, Pts. I and II" vo1.3, pp. 2-13
(Jan/Feb 1975); pp. 128-130 (Mar. 1975).
29. B. Bernfeld, "Simple Equations for Multichannel Stereophonic Sound
Localization" Sec.. vol. 23 pp. 553-557 (Sept. 1975).
30. P. Scheiber, "Toward a More Accurate Spatial Environment" (Letters
to the Editor') vol. 17, pp. 690-691 (Dec. 1969).
31. E. R. Hanson. "Musicassette Quadrasonic: Tape Record Compatibility"
vol. 19, pp. 24-26 (Jan. 1971).
32. J. M. Eargle, "On the Processing of Two- and Three-Channel Program
Material for Four-Channel Playback" vol. 19, pp. 262-265 (Apr. 1971).
33. P. Scheiber. "Four Channels and Compatibility" vol. 19, pp. 267-279
(Apr. 1971).
34. B. B. Bauer. "Directional Ambiguity of Quadraphonic Matrices"
(Letters to the Editor) vol. 19, pp. 315-316 (Apr. 1971).
35. P. Scheiber. "Suggested Performance Requirements for Compatible
Four-Channel Recording" vol. 19, pp. 637-659 (Sept. 1971).
36. P. Scheiber. "Analyzing Phase-Amplitude Matrices", vol. 19,
pp.835-839 (Nov. 1971).
37. R. Itoh, "Proposed Universal Encoding Standards for Compatible
Four-Channel Matrixing" vol. 20, pp. 167-173 (Apr. 1972).
38. E. M. A. Long. "The Effects of Transit Time and Intensity
Differentials upon Recreating Acoustic Fields" vol. 20, pp. 82-91
(Mar. 1972).
39. D. L. Fatten, "A Quadraphonic Oscilloscope Display Technique"
vol. 20, pp. 483-489 (July/Aug. 1972).
40. D. H. Cooper, "Correction of' Discrete-Matrix Multichannel Stereo"
vol. 20, p. 493 (July/Aug. 1972).
41. B. Bluthgen. "Unipot--A Panoramic Potentiometer for Quadrasonic Use"
(Project Notes) vol. 20. pp. 580-581 (Sept. 1972).
42. H. M. Durbin. "Playback Effects from Matrix Recordings" vol. 20.
pp. 729-733 (Nov. 1972).
43. J. M. Eargle. "4-2-3 Matrix Systems: Standards, Practice, and
Interchangeability" Sec.. vol. 20, pp. 809-815 (Dec. 1972).
44. B. B. Bauer, G. A. Budeiman, and D. W. Gravereaux, "Recording
Techniques for SQ Matrix Quadraphonic Discs" vol. 21, pp. 19-26
(Jan/Feb. 1973).
45. M. A. Gerzon, "Periphony: With-Height Sound Reproduction" vol. 21,
pp. 2-10 (Jan/Feb 1973).
46. T. Yamamoto. "Quadraphonic One-Point Pickup Microphone" vol. 21.
pp. 256-261 (May 1973).
47. M. B. Gardner, "Some Single and Multiple Source Localization Effects"
vol. 21, pp. 430-437 (July/Aug. 1973).
48. T. Muradka. H. Onoye, and A. Takayanagi. "Measurement of Phonograph
Cartridges by the Pulse Train Method" vol. 22, pp. 502-510
(Sept. 1974).
49. T. Inoue, I. Owaki, K. Ohba, S. Nakamura, and J. Eargle.
"Measurement of Recorded Level and Channel Separation in Phonograph
Discs Using Optical Interferometry Techniques" (Project Notes),
vol. 22, pp. 704-705 (Nov. 1974).
50. M. A. Gerzon, "A Geometric Model for Two-Channel Four-Speaker Matrix
Stereo Systems" vol. 23, pp. 98-106 (Mar. 1975).
51. L. R. Hay and J. V. Hanson,"Towards a More Natural Sound System"
(Project Notes), vol. 24, pp. 24-26 (Jan/Feb 1976).
52. T. Muraoka, H. Onoye, and J. Eargle, "Continuing Evaluation of
Phonograph Cartridges by PulseTrain Methods'' (Project Notes),
vol. 24, pp. 738-741 (Nov. 1976).
53. H. Lauterslaper and P. H. C. Nuyten. "Ambience-Related Transmission
System (ARTS)" (Project Notes), vol. 25, pp. 29-34 (Jan/Feb 1977).
54. G. Theile and G. Plenge, "Localization of Lateral Phantom Sources"
Sec. 25, pp. 196-200 (April 1977).
55. M. A. Gerzon, "Criteria for Evaluating Surround Sound Systems"
(Communications) vol. 25, pp. 400-408 (June 1977).
56. B. B. Bauer, L. A. Abbagnaro, D. W Gravereaux. and T. J. Marshall
"The Ghent Microphone System for SQ Quadraphonic Record and
Broadcasting" vol. 25 (Dec. 1977).
57. J. V. White, "Synthesis of 4-2-4 Matrix Recording Systems" vol. 24,
pp. 250-257 (May 1976).
List of articles in Audio magazine
1. B. Whyte, "Behind the Scenes--Special Report on Four-Channel Sound"
vol. 53, pp. 22, 24, 26, 28 (Dec. 1969).
2. "Quadraphonic News" vol. 54, p. 25 (Apr. 1970).
3. B. Whyte, "Behind the Scenes" vol. 54, pp. 10-II (July 1970).
4. D. Hafler,''A New Quadraphonic System" vol. 54, pp. 24-26, 56-57
(July 1970).
5. B. Whyte, "Behind the Scenes--4-Channel Disc & Broadcast" vol. 54,
pp. 10, 12. I4(Jan. 1970).
6. L. Feldman, "Quadrasonics On-The-Air" vol. 54, pp. 22-25(Jan. 1970).
7. M. Gerzon, "The QUART Broadcasting System" vol. 54, pp. 26-27
(Sept. 1970).
8. D. Cooper. "How Many Channels?" Pts. I and II" vol. 54. pp. 36, 38,
40, 42 (Nov. 1970); vol. 55, p. 28(Feb. 1971).
9. L. Feldman. "On Matrix Quadraphonic Systems" vol. 55, pp. 20-78
(Oct. 1971).
10. B. B. Bauer. "The Compatible Stereo/Quadraphonic 'SQ' Record"
vol. 55, pp. 34-36. 38, 40 (Oct. 1971).
11. C. Stark, "One Approach to Four-Channel Sound" vol. 55, pp. 30-32
(Oct. 1971).
12. Shorter, Geoffrey, "Introducing UD4, Is this the system you have been
waiting for ?" February 1975. pp 32-34
13. B. Whyte, "Behind the Scenes" vol. 60, pp. 20, 22, 24 (Sept. 1976).
List of BBC publications relating to
quadraphony and surround sound
1. Meares, D.J., 1973. Systems of quadraphony: a first assessment. BBC
Engineering, May 1973, No. 94. pp 7 - 9.
2. Meares, D.J., 1973. Statistics of typical program sound pressure
levels in sound studios and their control rooms. BBC Research
Department Report, No. 1973/37.
3. Meares, D.J., 1974. Investigations into Matrixed quadraphony.
Electronics Letters, February 1974
4. Meares, D.J., 1974. Not such a dummy head. Wireless World, Vol 80,
No 1467, September 1974
5. Meares, D.J., 1974. Quadraphony: techniques involved in four
channel recording and reproduction. BBC Research Department Report
No. 1974/26
6. Crompton, T.W.J., 1974. The subjective performance of various
quadraphonic matrix systems. BBC Research Department Report, No.
7. Ratliff P.A., 1974. Properties of hearing related to quadraphonic
reproduction. BBC Research Department Report RD 1974/38.
8. Meares, D.J., 1975. The design and testing of a 2-channel
quadraphonic matrix system. Proceedings of AES Convention March
9. J. S. Bower, "The Subjective Effects of Interchannel Phase Shifts on
the Stereophonic Image Localization of Wideband Audio Signals"
BBC RD 1975/27; British Broadcasting Corp. (Sept. 1975).
10. J. S. Bower, "The Subjective Effects of Interchannel Phase Shifts on
the Stereophonic Image Localization of Narrowband Audio Signals"
BBC RD 1975/28; British Broadcasting Corp. (Sept. 1975).
11. Meares, D.J., Ratliff, P.A., 1976. The development of a compatible
4-2-4 Quadraphonic matrix system, BBC Matrix H. EBU Review
(Technical), No 159, October 1976. pp 208 - 217.
12. Ratliff, P.A., Meares, D.J., 1977. BBC Matrix H compatible system
for broadcasting. Wireless World, Vol 83, No 1497, May 1977,
pp 41 - 45.
13. Meares, D.J., 1978. Quadraphonic Broadcasting: Why Matrix H?
Article in 1978 HiFi Year Book. pp 24 - 28.
List of articles in Radio-Electronics magazine
1. Dunifer, Stephen, 1977. Display Quad signals on your (Oscillo)Scope.
Radio Electronics, June 1977. pp 42,43
2. Friedman, Herb. 1977. What's Wrong with 4-Channel ?
Radio Electronics, ? . pp 76-?
3. H. Kitahra, "QS Matrix Simplified" vol. 46, pp. 16, 20, 22, 24, 30, 72,
74-76 (Oct. 1975).
List of articles in Studio Sound
1. G. Cooper, "Tetrahedral Ambiophony" vol. 12, pp. 233-234
(June 1970).
2. M. A. Gerzon, "Principles of Quadraphonic Recording'' (2 parts),
pp.338-339, 341-342 (Aug. 1970), pp. 380-384 (Sept. 1970).
3. M. Gerzon. "Applications of Blumlein Difference Technique, pts. I-3"
pp. 434-437 (Oct. 1970); pp. 50I-506 (Nov. 1970); pp. 539, 541, 543
(Dec. 1970).
4. M. A. Gerzon. "Experimental Tetrahedral Recording, (Pts. 1-3)"
vol. 13, pp. 396-398 (Aug. 1971): pp. 472-475 (Sept · 1971);
pp. 510-511. 513,515(Oct. 1971).
5. P. Fellgett, "Ambisonics. Part 1: General System Description," vol.
17 pp. 20-22, 40 (Aug. 1975).
6. M. Gerzon, "Ambisonics, Part 2: Studio Techniques," Studio Sound,
vol. 17, pp. 24-26, 30 (Aug. 1975).
7. Hope, Adrian. 1979. Back to the Principles. Studio Sound, May 1979
pp 36
List of articles in Wireless World
1. Tillet, G.W. 1972. "Letter from America, the 4-Channel war"
pp 600 (Dec. 1972)
2. M. J. Carey and J. C. Sager, "Quadraphonic Broadcasting - Current
Proposals and the Way Ahead, vol. 80, pp. 422-425 (Nov. 1974).
3. G. Shorter, "Four-Channel Stereo, "An Introduction to Matrixing."
vol. 78, pp. 2-5 (Jan. 1972)
4. G. Shorter, "Some Commercial Quadraphonic Matrix Systems" vol. 78,
pp. 54-57 (Feb. 1972).
5. P. B. Fellgett, "Directional Information in Reproduced Sound"
vol. 78. pp. 413-317 (Sept. 1972).
6. M. Gerzon, "Surround-Sound Psychoacousties" vol. 80, pp. 483--186
(Dec. 1974).
7. D. Heller, "Surround-Sound Decoders, pts. I-IV" vol. 83, pp. 42-46
(June 1976); pp. 65-68 (July 1976); pp. 53-59(Aug. 1976); pp. 53-56
(Sept. 1976).
8. M. Gerzon, "NDRC Surround-Sound System" vol. 83, pp. 36-39
(Apr. 1977).
9. P. A. Ratliff and D. J. Meares, "BBC Matrix H" vol. 83, pp. 41-45
(May 1977).
10. Michael A. Gerzon, "Variomatrix Adaptor for System 45J and Matrix H"
vol. 83. pp. 50-5 1 (May 1977).
Papers presented at the Audio Engineering
Society Conventions
1. T. Shiga. M. Okamoto, and D. H. Cooper, "Dual-Triphonic Matrix
Stereo System," presented April 27, 1971 at the 40th Convention of
the Audio Engineering Society, Los Angeles, preprint 783.
2. L. Dorren and J. J. Gabbert, "The Dorren Quadrapier System of Four-
Channel FM Broadcasting," presented May 4, 1972, at the 42nd
Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Los Angeles. preprint
3. "Characteristics of the Sansui QS Vario-Matrix Based on a Psycho-
acoustic Study of the Localization of Sound in Four-Channel Stereo"
R. Itoh and S. Takahashi, "Part I--Characteristic of the Sansui QS
Vario-Matrix"; M. Nishimaki, "Part II--the Psychoacoustic
Localization of Sound Sources in Four-Channel Stereo, presented at
the 43 Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York,
September 12-15, 1972, preprint 904. 4. E. G. Trendell, "The Choice
of a Matrix for Quadraphonic Reproduction from Disk Records"
presented May 17, 1973. at the 45 Convention of the Audio
Engineering Society, Los Angeles, preprint 912.
5. J. Eargle,"Beyond Quad" presented at the 45th Convention of the
Audio Engineering Society, May 17, 1975, Los Angeles, preprint 921.
6. M.Gay, I. E. Hanna, and R. G. Alien, "integration of the CBS SQ Logic
System," presented September 10, 1973 at the 46th Convention of the
Audio Engineering Society, New York, preprint 947.
7. R. Itoh, S. Takahashi, and K. Hirano, "Mathematical Theories of the
QS System and Their Application to the Latest QS Encoding Method,"
presented May 13, 1975, at the 51st Convention of the Audio
Engineering Society, Los Angeles, preprint 1015.
8. R. C. Cabot, D. A. Dorans, I. S. Tackel, D. B. Wilson, and H. E.
Breed, "Localization Effects in the Quadraphonic Sound Field"
presented October 31, 1975, at the 52nd Convention of the Audio
Engineering Society, New York, preprint 1085.
9. D. W. Gravereaux, T. J. Marshall, and B. B. Bauer, "An SQ Decoder
with Proportionate Blend," presented October 29, 1976 at the 55th
Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York.
List of articles in db magazine
1. R. A. Rogers, "A Four-Channel Stereo Broadcast" vol. 4, pp. 36-39
(Oct. 1970).
2. J. Eargle, "Four-Channel Stereo" pp. 23-25 (Aug. 1970).
3. J. Cunningham, "Tetraphonic Sound" vol. 3, pp. 21-23 (Dec. 1969).
4. S. H. Lampen, "Recording Stereo in Four Channels" vol. 6, pp. 31-33
(June 1971).
List of articles in Television Digest
1. "4-Channel Stereo--On Discs, Tape, Radio" vol. 9, pp. 9-1O
(Sept. 15, 1969).
2. "Consumer Electronics" vol. 9, pp. 8-10 (Nov. 3, 1969).
3. "Another 4-Channel Disc" vol. 9, p. 9 (Dec. 29, 1969).
List of articles in IEEE Trans. Broadcast Telev. Rec.
1. E. L. Torick and B. B. Bauer, "Quadraphonic Broadcasting Using the
SQ System," vol. BC-18, pp. 85-88 (Dec. 1972).
2. S. W. Halpern, "Three-Channel FM Stereo Multiplex System for
Compatible Broadcasting" vol. BC-17. pp. 70-77(Sept. 1971).
3. L. Dorren and J. Torczyner, "An Optimum Quadraphonic FM Broadcasting
System" vol. BTR-19, pp. 277-285 (Nov. 1973).
4. J. F. Foster and A. Csicsatka, "Vestigial Sideband Subchannel for
Multichannel FM Broadcasting" vol. BTR-19, pp. 33-36(Feb. 1973).
5. A. Csicsatka and J. F. Foster, "A Compatible Multichannel FM
Broadcast System" vol. BTR-19, pp. 29-33 (Feb. 1973).
6. A. Csicsatka, J. F. Foster, and J. G. Metro, "An Experimental
Quadraphonic FM Broadcast System" vol. BTR-19, pp. 294-297
(Nov. 1973).
7. D. DeWeger, C. filers, P. Fockens, and H. Presser, "Two Proposed
Quadraphonic FM Broadcasting Systems" vol. BTR-19, pp. 298-310
(Nov. 1973).
8. D. H. Cooper, "Proposal QFMX for Use of 4-4-4 QMX Matrix in
Quadruplex Encoding of FM Transmission" vol. BTR-19. pp. 311-319
(Nov. 1973).
Various Books and Magazines
1. "4-Channel Stereo: From Source To Sound", 252 pages, printed in
December 1974 by Ken Sessions first released in early 1973, with
somewhat limited info compared to the December 1974 Second Edition,
The publisher is TAB Books Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214. Paperback
2. "Quad Incorporated", 1st edition, 1979. 94 pages. The first U.S.
collectors reference guide to four channel records and tapes.
Edited by Larry Clifton with the assistance of Brian Moura, Nick
Perugini, Mike Robin and Gary Thilgen.
Once available only from the editor. Paperback.
3. "Quad Incorporated", Supplement, 1981, 25 pages. Edited by Larry
Clifton and Micheal Robin.
*4. "Hi-Fi: From Edison's Phonograph to Quadraphonic Sound", W.E.
Butterworth, 1977, Four Winds Press, 262p, pictures
1. "Report of the National Quadraphonic Radio Committee to the Federal
Communications Commission" available from the Electronics Industries
Association, 2001 Eye St., Washington, DC 20006 (Nov. 1975).
2. L. Dorren, "Dorren Quadraplex System, Laboratory and Field Tests"
FCC RM- 1847 (May 1971).
3. "Understanding the QS 4-Channel System" Brochure distributed by the
Sansui Electric Co., Ltd.
4. "Standards for Decoders (Type II) for Reproducing Matrix
Quadraphonic Disc Records," EIA Standard, RS-430, pp. 1-4
(Mar. 17, 1976).
5. "A Subjective Evaluation of FM Quadraphonic Reproduction Systems -
Listening Tests". Project No. 2710-1 (Aug. 1977) Available from the
FCC Office of the Chief Engineer, Laboratory Division.
*6. Japan Victor Corporation, CD-4: All you've Ever Wanted to Know about
the CD-4 Disc System (n.p. 1974).
1. L. Dorren and J. Torczyner. "The Dorren Quadrapier System of Four
Channel Frequency-Modulated Sound Broadcasting" Eur. Broadcast Union
(Apr. 1973).
2. Billboard, Jan. 22, 1977, p. 64; Jan. 29, 1977, CES review.
3. M. A. Gerzon, "Recording Techniques for Multichannel Stereo"
Brit. Kinemafog. Sound Telev. vol. 53, pp. 274-279 (JuIy 1971).
*4. Steven R. Postrel. "Competing Networks and proprietary standards:
The case of quadraphonic sound". Journal of Industrial Economics,
Vol. 39, p. 169-184, 1990
*5. Leonard Feldman. "Quadcasting: A Progress Report on Four-channel FM"
Stereo Review p. 66-69 (Nov. 73)
*6. "CBS/Sony Announce Quadraphonic Disc Compatible SQ System" Hi-Fi
Sound #4 p.72-73 (Sept 1971)
*7. "Four-Channel Records" Hi-Fi-Stereo Buyer's Guide Fall 1972, p 46.
*8. Bert Whyte. "Behind the Scenes" Audio, p 8 (May 1974)
*9. Julian D. Hirsch. "QS Drops the Gauntlet with its 'Vario- Matrix'
System" Popular Electronics, p ? (September 1973)
*10.Leonard Feldman. "Four Generations of Four-Channel Equipment"
Stereo-Hi-fi Times #5 p. 47 (Winter 1974)
*11."Four-Channel: Dealers Feeling Software Pinch" Consumer Electronics
p. 86-88 (March 1974)
*12.Art Weigold. "Four-Channel Compacts on Rough Ground" Consumer
Electronics, p. 24-25 (March 1974)
*13."Juliette Stresses Compact 4-Channel 8-Track Record" Home
Furnishing Daily, p. 10 (May 8, 1974)
*14.H. W. Hutchinson. "New 4-Channel at CES Tops Expectations" Home
Furnishings Daily, p. 5 (June 7, 1974)
*15."Some Manufacturers Are Up, Others are Down on Quad" Home
Furnishings Daily, p. 5 (May 14, 1975)
*16.Joe Brancatelli. "Quad Future Darkens as Manufacturers Cut lines"
Home Furnishing Daily (October 29, 1975)
*17.Fred Abatemarco. "Radio Shack Chain Dumping Its Private Label
4-Channel" Home Furnishings Daily, p.20 (October 29, 1975)
*18."FCC to Compare Matrix, Discrete 4-Channel Sound" Retailing Home
Furnishings, 9. 54 (August 9, 1976)
*19. "Making the Most of the Difference". Format compatibility. Hi-Fi Sound
p.74,75 (July, 1976)
List Compiled and Copyright By
Mark Anderson

Acknowledgments :
Thanks to the following folks who have passed on additions, comments and
corrections to this list :
Ron Brain
Eero Aro
Jay Arnold
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Quadraphonic Discography Index Page
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